Relying God When Facing Workplace Challenges


Work Place StressFear is a normal emotion that all of us feel but didn’t you know that fear is not a God-given emotion? Contrary to what most people think, fears are not challenges that are given to us by God in order to test how deep our faith towards him is. In 2 Corinthians 5:10-11, the passage says that any other types of fear are not from Him. The source of fear is something more sinister than we thought.  On the other hand, in 2 Timothy 1:7 (NIV), the passage says that “… God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and love and of a sound mind.” This means that while fear is normal, we have the capabilities to overcome them.

Fears come in all forms and for most working adults; work challenges present a lot of fear and stress to them. Different forms in the workplace exist and these include the fear of being ostracized by fellow employees, of accepting new responsibilities and opportunities, of delivering a particular report or of the uncertainty in their jobs. Whatever it is, these fears and challenges put so much stress on employees.

Perhaps one of the most critical work challenges that people face is the fear of uncertainties. With every decision that employees make everyday at work, they fear about the uncertainty of its outcomes.  After all, employees value their jobs and consider it as their lifeline. A failure to make the right decision can cost employees their jobs.

In general, fear at work originates from fear of the unknown. With the impressive imagination of most people, this fear is magnified thus employees feel threatened especially if they face new work challenges.

Although challenges at work are common and it is the way for employers to test the aptitude of their employees, there is really no need to worry. Christian employees need to rely on God whenever they feel fear and uncertainty. Take note that God never gave us a spirit of fear thus fear is actually a product of the lack of faith in Him. If you seek God, he will place in you the Holy Spirit to guide and enlighten you with whatever fears that you are feeling. With His gift to us, He helps in overcoming fears by giving us power as well as self control in order to conquer fear and other related negative virtues created by fear.

If you have workplace challenges, God can help you. You can ask God to help you free yourself from any fear that you feel at work. Moreover, you also need to be more reliant in Him in all situations. If you seek solace from Him, you will be able to conquer your fears immediately. Lastly, you have to remember God’s promise to His people which says “Fear not, for I am with you; be not dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you, yes, I will help you, I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.” (Isaiah 41:10).

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How to Help Children Handle Fears and Anxieties


Children Fear

Regardless of who or what we are, we all have fears. In fact, even the strongest man has fears. It is the way we overcome our fears that shape us into the person that we are now. For young children, fear, if not dealt with properly, can instill negative values to children. Although children fear a lot of things, it is the role of parents to teach their children to how to deal with their fears so that they will be able to live normal and healthy lives.

Young children have a lot of fears because they are still on the process of organizing the information that they perceive around them. Most of the time, they do not distinguish what’s real from what is fictional. Moreover, their young experiences tell them which things they should fear and which are okay. On the other hand, they also associate a particular thing to underlying fears. For instance, children often fear nighttime because of separation anxiety. They know that when nighttime comes, they will be forced to sleep on their own in the dark.

For this reason, it is crucial for parents to be able to know how to help children who have fears and anxieties. As mentioned earlier, fears and anxieties are normal emotions. What makes them unusual is that if kids do not develop their own way of resolving them.  It is important for parents to acknowledge what makes their children fearful and anxious.

As parents, it is important to stay with children and talk them through their fears. It is also crucial that you share your confidence in them. Children, although frail, have the ability to handle and overcome their fears if they are properly guided by their parents. If your child believes that you are confident with his or her abilities to resolve her fears, then they will be able to feel more confident and empowered. Remember the passage of Psalm 27:1 (NKJV) that says “the Lord is my light and my salvation; Whom shall I fear? The Lord is the strength of my life; of whom shall I be afraid?”

Do not laugh at your children even if you think that the source of their fears is ludicrous. Laughing belittles your children and you have to remember that you were once a child too. Show your love to your child as this is very important in boosting his or her confidence. As parents, you have to remember that “God has not given us a spirit of fear and timidity, but of power, love and self-discipline.” (2 Timothy 1:7, NLT)

For young children, it is important that you have to be always there in order to guide them. You have an integral role in helping your children recover from their fears and anxieties. Try to be patient with them and show them that you love them. It also helps if you teach your children to also pray every night before going to bed time. Let them feel that with their prayers, they are protected by God from everything evil.

All about Christian Parenting


All about Christian Parenting


parent having fun with kid at home

Parenting is one of the most difficult challenges parents feel throughout their lifetime.  Parents play a very central role in the formation of the characteristics of their children that if they have poor parenting skills or even set one bad example, it can somehow affect the emotional development of their children when they grow up.

Now when it comes to Christian parenting, Christian parents also encounter the same thing. Unfortunately, Christian parenting is not exempted from any challenges of parenting. Just because someone is a Christian parent, does not excuse him or her from facing the difficulties of raising responsible kids.

Christian parents face the same difficulties as most parents all over face the world, but they have one of the best arsenals to guarantee raising sensitive and responsible kids. What makes Christian parenting unique is that Christian parents seek the wisdom in the Bible to teach children.  Although this may be the case, there is more to Christian parenting than teaching the wisdom of the Bible.

As Christian parents, it is important to let children understand the genuine love of God and extend this to other people. It is best to understand the passage in John 17:26 (NIV) that Jesus came down to earth to show us what the Father’s heart was like.

The role of Christian parents is to let children understand the grace of God. In fact, teaching grace to children is what makes Christian parenting special. By showing grace to children, parents extend kindness to their children even if they have transgressed. Naturally, children act on their own whim and they sometimes do not follow what their parents tell them and so they end up getting into a lot of trouble.  When this happens, most parents resort to violence in order to correct their children’s mistakes.

But by teaching God’s grace to children and also practicing it, you will be able to extend your kindness and let your children realize what they have done wrong without the need to raise your voice or your temper.

On the other hand, understanding God’s grace also grounds us to what is essential. As parents, there are times that you may be bound to setting high expectations to your children but not all children can meet up the expectations of their parents. As a result, they fail and parents end up being disappointed. It is important to take note that God wants parents to enjoy their children. It is okay to set expectations on kids but do not overdo. Remember that God also has high expectations on us–His children—but we rarely please him but He is not disappointed in us one bit.

Being a Christian parent is tough and you have to carry your children with you wherever you go until they become responsible adults that can make the right decisions on their own. However, with God’s grace and kindness, raising Christian children that are sensitive to the needs of others as well as responsible is definitely possible.

Here are some christian resources to help your family:



Vehicle Safety Is Really Necessary For Your Child


illustration of a stop road signAs you become a skilled driver, you never really think too much about car safety. However, your frame of mind will most likely change when you have children since you are then responsible for their safety and this can make you reassess what is required to stay safe on the road. You have to do what is required to ensure that your vehicle is ready for children to ride in. We are going to examine a few important issues when you have children riding with you in your vehicle.

It is advisable to make sure that your vehicle is suitably looked after. When starting a family, you should be thinking about if the next car you get has a good safety record. There are vehicles that have poor safety records in terms of accidents and this can include how they react in terms of impact which can be crucial if you have children in the rear seats of your car. So spend some time to do some research here as it is worth it in the long run. If you should plan to hold on to your present car, be sure that your tires and brakes are working well.

On the top of your shortlist when you are expecting your first baby is a good child safety seat. You’ve got to be very diligent in your research and find the best car seat for your budget. Additionally it is important to be sure that you know how to place the car seats correctly. There have been numerous examples of parents who use car seats in the wrong way which can be as dangerous as not having a car seat at all. It can be quite straightforward to get a store or supplier to demonstrate how to do things correctly, so that you know what to do right from the start. As children mature you will of course need to change seats based on their age and so you need to do your research each time that you need a new car seat.

You could perhaps want to take a look at existing driving habits to see how safe you are. You should be ready to drive as safely and responsibly as possible without falling into your bad habits. The kind of things to be honest with yourself is whether you drive too fast, especially for the conditions and if you drive too close to the vehicle in front. It is well worth remembering that kids can also distract you in the car, so make sure you concentrate on your driving and take breaks if you are feeling tired. An alternative is to put in a sign saying that you have children inside so other drivers will be more tolerant.

The protection of your youngsters in your car truly comes down to the condition of your vehicle, the equipment required such as car seats and the way you drive. These elements really are all within your power.

Effective Parenting for ADHD


Effective Parenting for ADHD 

There have been numerous articles, research studies dealing with the Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder for the purpose of gaining effective treatment to apply for such behavioral problem. It has already gained much attention from the eyes of medical practitioners, psychologist, counselors and parents themselves. Although there have been accurate diagnosis, treatment remains a challenge. In the process of treating this behavioral problem, anyone can realize the important role of parents in the process. The home is the primary place where children can learn their behavior whether it be bad or good. Generally, children would want to emulate their parents. That without knowing it, they watch closely how their parents behave at home. Pro

verbs 29:17 says, “Discipline your children, and they will give you peace; they will bring you the delights you desire.” Prevention is always better than cure. By giving proper discipline to your child can prevent a behavioral problem like ADHD. Parents will surely have peace and delight to their children who behave accordingly.

What should parents do?

Parents should watch behavior related to inattention, hyperactivity, and impulsivity. Of course, parents should not be over reactive if they observe signs. These signs should be carefully verified. The Bible admonishes us to ask wisdom and discernment from the Lord (James 1:5). It is obvious if the child’s behavior is hurting and annoying to others. Frequency of an impulsivity and consistent hyperactivity of a child should lead parents to think.

Parents’ support to a child is vital in building self-esteem.  It may be challenging for parents to give their support to a child with ADHD, but it is also rewarding. Children having such problems don’t need humiliating words, anger, pressure and impatient reaction. They need deeper level of understanding, love and care.

Parents can help their children prevent from serious behavioral problem like ADHD by exposing them to the Word of God.  The bibles admonish as to meditate HIS word day and night (Joshua 1:8).

Parents should ask the service of a medical expert. Parents should not be afraid of seeking the help of a Christian counselor or psychiatrist. This will help them to get accurate diagnosis and eventually give the proper treatment. Parents should not be so spiritual in dealing some behavioral problem. God is the ultimate source of all knowledge, biblical or secular. Parents seek the help of an expert!

If you need more help with understanding visit:

The Brighter Side of a Child with ADHD


The Brighter Side of a Child with ADHD

You have probably known and observed children who have difficulty paying attention. They may be over talkative, easily distracted and causing distractions to others, moving from one activity to another, or behave in troublesome ways that annoy other people and may also cause care takers, peers to respond in anger and impatience.  Children with serious difficulties involving such behaviors may have Attention-deficit/Hyperactivity disorder. Sometimes you would hear comments like, “You can’t expect good things from this child,” “this child don’t have a future,” “My child is a headache to me,” and many more.

Basically, ADHD has two parts: the inattention side and the hyperactive-impulsive part. Children meet the criteria for inattention if they show a set of behaviors such as carelessness with their work, forgetfulness in their daily activities, and other attention related problems. The hyperactive-impulsive part is divided into hyperactivity and impulsivity. Hyperactivity can be characterized by difficulty in playing quietly, restlessness, fidgeting and talking excessively. Impulsivity is seen in children who cannot wait for their own turn, interrupt or intrude others and becoming impatient.

The Attentive-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder is usually recognized as early as before a child reach seven. It is also estimated that prior to school age, children with ADHD are usually regarded as “difficult” by their parents, relatives, and friends, who are responding to the child’s hyperactivity and impulsivity. Because of inability to focus on his/her schoolwork, disruptive and erratic behavior in the classroom, children with ADHD will possibly earn low grades, can be suspended and expelled unless provided with a special class with tutors.

Children diagnosed with ADHD can be a big problem to parents and if not properly handled, it may cause more damage to a child’s future. Parents may have many worries with their child with this kind of disorder such as “How will other people react to my child?”, “Can my child make it to school?” “Will my child succeed in school or can he achieved a rewarding career?”

While it is important to recognize the challenges that a child with ADHD may face, it is also important that parents should be reminded that children are gifts from God. We should not forget what the psalmist said, “For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother’s womb.”(Ps 139:13). The being of a child is a whole part of God’s wisdom and creation. We have to recognize the greater purpose of God in all His creation. Jeremiah 29:11 also tells us that God can give your child a hope and a future. Looking at a positive perspective (God’s perspective), your worries to your child with ADHD will banish.

There are famous people who thought to have ADHD but have been noted in their successful life. They were achievers and pioneers. You’re may be familiar with the names listed below:

  • Sir Winston Churchill
  • Charles Darwin
  • Thomas A. Edison
  • Albert Einstein
  • Henry Ford
  • Sir Isaac Newton
  • Walt Disney
  • Abraham Lincoln

Help discover the brighter side of your ADHD child

Children with ADHD should not be taken for granted or be underestimated in their capacity to achieve in life.  Help the child’s positive attributes to be nurtured and fully develop. You can help your child with ADHD learn to direct energies in positive ways. Remember that ADHD is just one part of who your child is. Instead of focusing on the challenges that your child may face, look at your child’s many strengths and turn help turn it into his/her advantage. You may get help from ADHD specialists so that your child will effectively learn to harness his talents and build self-esteem.

Learn more visit

date night… we are broke$$


Having a date night can be very expensive to do. You have to pay for baby sitter unless you have someone you trust with your kids. Next, you must have money to go out. Then maybe our spouse is saying I don’t have the time.

We know that we all need a date night. We need to get away from the kids for a little while. To build our relationship with our spouse.

I remember my funnest date night with my wife. It cost me $3.00. Yes that’s right $3.00. It is hard to believe that you can have so much fun on so LESS.

This was our date night we went to the dollar movies and it was 50% off so therefore it was $.50 each to get in. After the movies we went to the park to hold hands and walk around. Next, we went to the ice cream shop and shared an ice cream cone. Boy that was fun because we had ice cream all over our face. Then we just talk about whatever we wanted to talk about. That was our $3.00 date night. Here is a link for more ways to have an inexpensive date night. Dates on a Budget.

If you have any date night you want to shared please let me know

However, each one of you also must love his wife as he loves himself, and the wife must respect her husband. (Ephesians 5:33 NIV)

Summertime Ideas


Schools out and gas prices are up. What are some things you and your family can do without breaking the budget? Here are some options to getting your kids off the couch and computer and not hearing the dreaded “I’m bored.”


  1. Have a family game night. Check out the following link to some of your favorite games in a Bible Edition form:
  2. Check out a local Driller’s Baseball Game
  3. Plan a camping trip in your own backyard.
  4. Visit a local museum.  Philbrook, Gilcrease, Tulsa Air and Space Planetarium, and Okalahoma Jazz Hall of Fame are a few Tulsa has to offer.
  5. Get outdoors by taking a hiking or biking trip.
  6. Take a trip to your local public swimming pool.
  7. Have a dinner and movie night. Invite the kids to help plan and prepare a meal and then end the evening with a family movie.


Summer is a great time to enjoy the warm weather, relax, and spend time with your family. I hope these suggestions will help you and your family grow closer together without emptying your wallet. Have a great summer and be safe!

Graduation Time


Graduation time is quickly approaching and many high school seniors are under pressure and stress. High school students are taught early on to strive to be the best. Once students enter junior high their academic grades start becoming relevant in what types of scholarships they get and what colleges they will be able to attend. Youth are taking on more advance placement classes, which can help them increase their weighted GPA in turn increasing their class rank. In addition to academics, youth today are involved in so much more. Sports, school sponsored organizations, and church are a few of the extracurricular activities along with working a job that are leading to teens burning out before they ever enter college. All of these activities are good and can help getting into the college of one’s choice, but how is it affecting high school teenagers. At Hines Family Counseling we focus on helping teenagers with these issues and more.