Forgive yourself for your past failures.


mature womanForgive yourself for your past failures.

We have all made wrong decisions in the past that have caused us to fail. From time to time, I mention failure to help you realize that it is a part of life.

Therefore, it is not proper for us to be harsh on ourselves by not releasing forgiveness. It is also tempting to keep our regrets concerning the past hidden in our hearts, but doing this will not help us to enjoy the present and strive for the future.

Stop blaming yourself for present conditions. You can’t change the past.

Give yourself a chance to move forward.

It is time to move on. Don’t beat yourself up. It is better to look for opportunities to improve your circumstances, to build relationships with others, and to be more responsible.

It’s time to turn your back on hurts and pains caused by your past mistakes. Staying in the past keeps you from moving forward.

Remember that all people make mistakes in different ways—towards co-workers, friends, family members, and in all kinds of relationships.

By letting go of our past, we can begin to live our present and face the future. Let yourself enjoy the gift of forgiveness so that you can truly move forward.

Loving yourself starts with your acceptance of who you are –warts and all! (Remember Cromwell). You will have a hard time accepting others without learning to accept yourself first.

            Keep building a positive outlook of who you are. Focus on the positive things about you and your life. Always remember that the number one person to affirm you is no one other than YOU. You must forgive yourself for past blunders and start taking responsibility for who you are. Then live your life to the fullest and enjoy the blessings of life by loving yourself so that you will be able to love others more.


Loving YOU means taking responsibility for who you are.


young doctor writing with a marker penWe don’t have a choice who will be our parents. We don’t have a choice of which family or clan we belong to. We don’t have the choice if our parents give birth to us in poverty or in wealth.

But the moment we come to know the difference between what is good and bad; we have the responsibility to make choices about how we will live our lives.  This responsibility is ours until we face death, more so when we are adults.

As Denis Waitley says, “A sign of wisdom and maturity is when you come to terms with the realization that your decisions cause your rewards and consequences. You are responsible for your life, and your ultimate success depends on the choices you make.”

     Accepting the complete responsibility for everything about who you are and who you will become is a very important decision, crucial to achieving your goal of success.

     Acceptance begins with taking responsibility. Therefore, when you accept full responsibility, you are refusing the habit of blaming others for every unfavorable situation and circumstance in your life.

    Accepting responsibility empowers you to make decisions for your life. There is a humorous statement that says, “How can you face your problem if your problem is your face?”

      Sometimes we may laugh at that statement. It seems there’s no more solution if your problem is your face. Yet, we can even learn from this silly comment.

      If I am a person who completely accepts my responsibility, I will look for a mirror to have a better view of the problem (meaning, I will be looking at my face). Then I will decide on the best solution to the problem. 

     Having a sense of responsibility is the very foundation of personal development. Without responsibility, none of the principles we have discussed in this book will make any sense. If you accept responsibility for yourself, you can’t blame anybody or anything for your situation, for the circumstances of your life now, or for the life you will attain. There is only one person responsible for your life—it’s YOU!


Understanding the Qualities of Love Part 3 (from Unleashed You)


Previous (Part 2)                                  

It sounds so idealistic, but that’s the way humility should be expressed in our lives. Humility allows us to recognize and accept our limitations so that we will not boast and be arrogant of our accomplishments in the lives of other people.

Qualities of Love

Humility in any relationship is an important factor because it helps you recognize others’ personal worldviews. It is always demonstrated by laying aside your own personal agenda in favor of the needs of others.

Love is not self-seeking. When you truly love, you are willing to sacrifice your own self. You will always look out for the best interests of others and will not dwell on satisfying your own selfish desires. The emphasis here is, when you love, do it unconditionally without expecting anything in return.

The very definition of self-seeking tells us the focus—“pursuing only one’s own ends or interests.” When you keep on seeking your own interests, you will be frustrated.

If you choose to love, show kindness, or do good things to other people because you want recognition and promotion in the eyes of men, you’ll be disappointed. Some people will be ungrateful. Recognition may be given to somebody else. If your love is not self-seeking, such oversights won’t bother you.

Living with compassion for others demonstrates love. Compassion is a quality of love that compels us to take action to alleviate the pain of those living in suffering.   Having a desire to help people in miserable situations is a sign of a compassionate heart.

A practical example of this is seen in our mutual tendency to help the victims of natural calamities, such as floods. In such cases, we can see many people who have lost their source of living and are forced to depend on help from other people, the government, and charitable organizations.

Without compassion, we will not take action to help meet their needs. It is innate for a human being to feel pity for the misery of others. Compassion is what pushes us to act on their behalf.

Love HOPES that everything will go well. This is connected with having the quality of longsuffering. Hope is the opposite of despair. It is a conviction that a positive outcome or favorable event or circumstances will occur in one’s life. It is a desire coupled with an expectation to reach what you are dreaming of, or to expect with confidence that a desperate situation and circumstance will resolve into a positive one.

Hope enables a person who is in love with someone to keep persevering, even when their love is put to the test.

A person will strive to master a certain career in spite of the difficulties because that’s what he or she loves to do – and he hopes to succeed. Hope makes relationships workable.

Hope can restore broken marriages. Hope drives you to move on after calamities, devastation, failures, and brokenness, to achieve a better life. Love will motivate your hopes for the best and will give you peace so that you can even have a good night of rest.

The hope which accompanies true love is closely related to “faith”.  Scripture speaks of faith in God, yet the scriptural description of faith fits well with what we have just been discussing.  “Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.”  (Hebrews 11:1, NKJV)

Unfortunately, such faith in another person leaves you vulnerable to the pain that accompanies unfaithfulness.  That’s why people who have been “burned” in love may find it difficult or impossible to trust enough to truly love again.

Love forgives. True love will empower you to forgive even a seemingly unforgivable offense done to you. A husband who cheated is forgiven because of the wife’s unconditional love. If you truly love someone you will be willing to forgive him or her even though he or she has wronged or offended you.

It is common, though, for people to have a hard time forgiving those who have wronged and hurt them. Many times, they want the other person to suffer before they are willing to forgive them.

Syndicated columnist Ann Landers stated the case well when she wrote, Hate is like an acid that does as much damage to the vessel in which it is stored as to the object on which it is poured.”

People who cherish hatred don’t realize that the person they want to hurt doesn’t even feel the pain; only they, themselves feel it – because it’s the pain of bitterness.

If this sounds familiar, please understand that you should not keep on harboring the hatred within you when your offender has already asked for your forgiveness. You will feel the pain of this hatred while the other person is living in peace.

Here are some practical truths you need to know on the issue of forgiveness.

  1. a.   Realize that it’s not the burden of the offender to forgive.
  2. b.   Don’t wait for the person to ask forgiveness.
  3. c.   It is not the offender that suffers emotionally; it is you.
  4. d.   Being unforgiving is costly and self destructive.
  5. e.   If you forgive, you’re helping yourself.
  6. f.    Forgive —and receive relief.

You may think of other qualities of love that are not mentioned here. What I have shared with you are observations that I have made in my personal life. Realizing these truths can give you a sense of purpose and allow you to live life to the fullest.

Action Steps

  1. What is your definition of love?
  2. In what way do you express your love to others?
  3. Which of the eleven qualities we’ve discussed in this chapter are not being manifest in your life today? Why?
  4. Make a list of those people whom you have not really forgiven. What would it take for you to forgive them?
  5. Describe your understanding of the following statement: “Where there is love, there is life.”

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Unleashed YOU

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