Loving YOU means taking responsibility for who you are.


young doctor writing with a marker penWe don’t have a choice who will be our parents. We don’t have a choice of which family or clan we belong to. We don’t have the choice if our parents give birth to us in poverty or in wealth.

But the moment we come to know the difference between what is good and bad; we have the responsibility to make choices about how we will live our lives.  This responsibility is ours until we face death, more so when we are adults.

As Denis Waitley says, “A sign of wisdom and maturity is when you come to terms with the realization that your decisions cause your rewards and consequences. You are responsible for your life, and your ultimate success depends on the choices you make.”

     Accepting the complete responsibility for everything about who you are and who you will become is a very important decision, crucial to achieving your goal of success.

     Acceptance begins with taking responsibility. Therefore, when you accept full responsibility, you are refusing the habit of blaming others for every unfavorable situation and circumstance in your life.

    Accepting responsibility empowers you to make decisions for your life. There is a humorous statement that says, “How can you face your problem if your problem is your face?”

      Sometimes we may laugh at that statement. It seems there’s no more solution if your problem is your face. Yet, we can even learn from this silly comment.

      If I am a person who completely accepts my responsibility, I will look for a mirror to have a better view of the problem (meaning, I will be looking at my face). Then I will decide on the best solution to the problem. 

     Having a sense of responsibility is the very foundation of personal development. Without responsibility, none of the principles we have discussed in this book will make any sense. If you accept responsibility for yourself, you can’t blame anybody or anything for your situation, for the circumstances of your life now, or for the life you will attain. There is only one person responsible for your life—it’s YOU!